
About me

My Story

My name is Giovanni, I am a licensed Kitesurfing instructor and the founder of the WindBusters School in Marsala.

My love for kitesurfing began back in 2009 in Sicily, while I was in a beach near home and I noticed some people holding on sails, gliding and doing outstanding stunts in the water. That sight left me breathless, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was somewhat hypnotised. It was enough to look at those people having lot of fun on the water to realise that it would become my own sport too, that I should try anyway and I was confident I would get it. So I took heart and went to them to ask how to get started with kitesurfing. And thus, in a very short time, I began to practice it.

It was not easy to learn though, even because I decided to train by myself as a self-taught learner at first. In fact, to learn kitesurfing by your own puts you in safety risks, a primary aspect to be considered whan taking up this sport. Besides, it takes longer than necessary.

To this day, I wouldn’t do it again: I would prefer to rely on professional kiters (even if, at that time, it was very rare to find out a good one in my area).

Anyway, since that fateful year 2009, my life is radically changed: I used to be a shy boy, full of fears, and now I am totally different, braver than before.

photo of Giovanni Macaluso

Kitesurfing has definitely changed my life for the better, and it helped me look at everything from a different perspective: for this sport leads you to face a lot of difficulties and it requires determination, patience, perseverance and audacity. At the same time it is so exciting and adrenalinic it makes you forget the world. Even if it seems an individual sport, it actually helps you to make stronger friendships and establish great fellowships among the kiters, in the spirit of interacting, advising each other, but also chatting and relaxing together.

After learning it, I began travelling around the world in search of the places where kitesurfing is usually practiced: Venezuela, Greece, Spain and many other locations where I was able to experience different conditions and meet a lot of kiters from all over the world.
Ten years after it all started, I got the instructor certification and I decided to provide you with my skills and experience.

This is why I am so glad to show you my new WindBusters School.


Our Head Office in Marsala (Stagnone Lagoon)

A new adventure

After being an itinerant school for some years, we settled down at the Stagnone Lagoon in Marsala. We chose this location because it is one of the very few in Europe whose conditions of the water (always shallow and flat) allow a very quick and easy learning, reducing risks to minimum and ensuring a very high level of safety. That is why the most of our courses, especially for beginners, take place over there.

Nonetheless, we have never given up our itinerant approach: you can also join our sessions which take place at some of the best locations in Western Sicily.

The WindBusters School was born not only to teach the secrets and tricks of kitesurfing to beginners, but we also address the experienced kiters. You can improve your skills attending the courses and lessons we regularly organise, or you can join us in our free sessions, even if you don’t have your own equipment: we will rent you anything you need.

The School’s Head Office is placed at the Stagnone Lagoon in Marsala. There you can enjoy a lot of dedicated services, most of which are also open to non-attendants. Among them:

  • Eolo Club, where you can have a typical sicilian sandwich – the renowned pane cunzato, or a big salad, a cool beer, a cocktail and many other food and drink during a break between sessions;
  • the relaxation area with big floor pillows, sunbeds and a shaded area which extends on an over 1000 sqm natural lawn;
  • a remote working space;
  • hot shower;
  • rescue vessels;
  • a beachboy who will help you in kite launching and landing;

and more…

WindBusters School

5 good reasons to choose Windbusters

  1. You will be trained and guided by Giovanni Macaluso and other licensed instructors with over ten years’ expertise in kitesurfing and always working in all safety.
  2. Unlike the other traditional kite schools, you can both reach us at our head office or come along with our team to one of the many other spots covered by WindBusters.
  3. WindBusters is for everybody: you can practice your favourite sport at whatever level, renting the proper equipment and training in a good company.
  4. WindBusters is not only a kite school, but also a group of friends of you, ready to help you find the most suitable accomodation, restaurants, bars and transports all over Western Sicily.
  5. WindBusters offers you an exclusive transfer service from and to the airports of Trapani-Birgi and Palermo, always allowing you to move easily from the airport to your accomodation and the School.
pupil of school
giovanni macaluso at school
team of Windbusters
students of WindBusters
water activities at stagnone

Discover our Club!

Eolo Club
Eolo Club

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