Today I want to tell you about a special and a very stimulating working experience that makes me proud of who I am and the services I offer.
A few days ago, after I noticed excellent conditions for a nice kite session in Ciammarita beach near Trappeto (PA), the place where I learned to kitesurf about 11 years ago, I contacted the guys who usually go out there and we agreed to see each other on the spot the next morning.
The next day I got up very early (the spot is about an hour from Marsala, where I live) and I set off on my van. While I was already on the road, sensations were wonderful, the thought of going out in the spot where it all began gave me an incredible boost and my heart was racing! When I arrived, there was no one else. The wind was already strong, it was only 11.30. I started preparing everything and in the meantime Ciccio (an adventure-mate of mine for many years) joined me. We plunged into the water, the wind was fantastic, and we spent quite a few hours kitesurfing. Getting out of the water Giulio (another dear friend of mine) told me that a German guy, who spoke English, had been walking around, he had noticed my van and, having looked at us kitesurfing, he wished to subscribe an intermediate course with us.
In fact, that same evening, I received a message on my phone from this boy, his name is Wolfgang, who told me that he wanted to train with me. I asked him what was his level and given that, I advised him that it would be better to train at the Stagnone in Marsala because of the shallow and flat water: an optimal condition, given its level, for a quick and safe learning. His response was excited: he immediately asked me if it was possible to take lessons as early as the next morning. I went to check my agenda and I confirmed it.
Once arrived in Marsala the next morning and having breakfast together, he told me about his experience in kitesurfing. Then we went to the spot. The wind was already around 20 knots on the beach and there were not many kites in the water: such conditions were ideal for lessons. We had everything ready at this point and, after a quick review, I made sure that he knew all the safety and priority rules in the sea. Once in the water, I handed him the kite, then I asked him how he felt and I suggested him to stay around 5 minutes playing, in order to get the right feeling. Since he had told me that he had started with the board, and that he had made some edge (I could also see it from his IKO card), I asked him to show me what he was able to do.
Voilà! At the very first attempt, Wolfgang was standing on the board and setting off. He was already good, but he assumed a wrong position on the board, in fact he was unable to sail upwind and he went slowly.
We’ve been working a lot on the position of the body on the board, on the various balances and levers, on the windward and on the change of direction. We spent a long time in the water, he had a very happy face and all the times he said “I am enjoying!” I felt very well. I confess I was very satisfied and happy for him too! Seeing one of your pupils having happily fun is priceless and gives you an immense motivation. He said to me “Now I understand why I didn’t go fast and not upwind, thanks Giovanni”.
During two days of session we had six hours of lessons together, during which he learned to sail upwind perfectly and to manage the change of direction. I am super satisfied with my work and very happy to share all this with other people and, mostly when I find so nice guys like him, full of vitality and enthusiasm, I can only think “how wondeful my work is!”.
Aloha Winbuster!