After several weeks waiting (you know that waiting is essential in kitesurfing), a nice Mistral wind perturbation finally arrived, to my great satisfaction … that’s a perfect direction for a kite trip in Puzziteddu beach (Mazara del Vallo). First of all I start by saying that Puzziteddu is a spot for expert kiters, the wind being side off and the spot placed on the western headland of Sicily, and when the mistral wind blows for several days, waves of up to 4-meters height usually rise.
Returning to us, the forecasts called for a wind with a speed of 20 kt and 2.5/3-meter waves … the adrenaline and the butterflies in my stomach began to rise just thinking about it …
I arrived on the spot around 10.30 AM, there was already a couple of kiters in the water surfing greatly, the wind was strong and the waves were 3 meters high … I prepared everything (my 9-meter kite and my strapless surfboard) and I plunged into the water. Even after several years of experience, when there are these conditions I am usually very alert at first, and I try to understand the wind and the sea conditions well, in short, to become more confident and feel safe. After about 20 minutes studying all this stuff I realised everything was ok … in the shoals the swells were big but they had a nice long period, as usual in Puzziteddu beach.

I started surfing very well, there were few of us and the waves were perfect, long, clean and right … the best, I’ve been surfing 2 hours at least and I assure you my only thoughts were about those really outstanding waves, when I catched them in the right way I went down at an insane speed with crazy feelings in my stomach.
I got out of the water super satisfied and very tired – surfing two hours with these conditions is very tiring, I assure you, but after about 30 minutes of break I couldn’t help going back in the water, the waves were amazing and I could not miss them. In my second session, waves had dropped a little (2 meters) but they were awesome as well. I decided to go out after an hour, I was really exhausted, I couldn’t do anymore. My advice: when you are too tired, get out of the water, do not overdo it, it is not a sport activity to be underestimated!
Here we are at the end of the day, I was really satisfied, My heart was racing. What a day! Back home, the boys were all tired, but we’ll meet each other very soon.
Aloha Windbuster!